A Story Through Impressions
In this lesson we asked students to tell a story by making impressions in clay.
Essential Questions:
What can objects from the past tell us?
VA:Re7.1.1 Select and describe works of art that illustrate daily life experiences of one’s self and others.
VA:Cr2.1.1 Explore uses of materials and tools to create works of art or design.
Linked Assessment Outcomes:
Students will select a collection of objects that will tell a story when pressed into clay all together
Students will organize their objects spatially to imprint the story
Students will reproduce a story by making impressions in clay
Students will recall a story that they want to tell through impressions
Students will analyze the objects before them and decide which objects would leave a clear impression in their clay
Students will plan how to impress the objects into their clay
Students will analyze their peers’ clay impressions and will guess what their story is
Students will predict what their peer’s clay impression story is
Students will imagine what the impressions their peers’ made might mean
I was really pleased with how students were able to use the comics we provided them as a model to create their own impressions. In the future I would provide students with a tool to pull up the items they pressed into their clay slabs, such as a butterknife. I would have also given students a rolling pin so they could make a deeper impression in their clay.